IT consultant should be aware that PC vendors usually very willing to cover the cheap products like mice under standard warranty. But as far as IT consultant your client can probably buy the replacement part of that kind for less than $ 10, it's probably not worth waiting a few days to get the parts replaced under warranty agreed standard PC.
Spare parts are easily. If your clients already available spare mouse, warranty claims can be by a few days or weeks to the time lag in dealing with this issue there. As their IT consultant, you have to deal with potential customers fail to plan nominal fee will be advanced that much time value stored in the long run helped. Going step further, as IT consultant you should encourage customers to keep extra keys around the monitor. The cost is very expensive piece of equipment as a loss of productivity that can be expected to achieve results section has been compared. And all three of these items can normally be quickly installed at home.
Spare parts are easily. If your clients already available spare mouse, warranty claims can be by a few days or weeks to the time lag in dealing with this issue there. As their IT consultant, you have to deal with potential customers fail to plan nominal fee will be advanced that much time value stored in the long run helped.
Additional desktop PC. Cost desktop PCs and entry level rapidly going down to the most companies need to compete almost zero downtime. Many small businesses decide to invest in additional PCs in case of emergency to avoid any delay in business. Standard, fully configured desktop computer only cost $ 600, even as an office to upload a few as six PCs in one hand. IT as a consultant you should encourage your customers to your warranty coverage for two years and three insurance.
Wise advice to customers. IT as a consultant, you need investment advice to your clients smart. They should be part of their IT budgets on selected parts and spent a desktop computer. Good investment, customers will be able to deal with warranty claims if necessary instead of the horror. Outsource project management work and planning it to you as your consultant can make your life easier and to prevent costly emergency spending.
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